
Website translation completed!

Website translation completed!

Website translation completed!

  • 公開日: 2016年2月25日木曜日

For the last couple of months, we have been working hard to make our new website available in as many as eight languages. We are proud to announce that we have achieved this! Our website can now be read in Dutch, English, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Russian, Spanish, and German. This enables us t...


Trade Exhibition Zwaagdijk 2016

Trade Exhibition Zwaagdijk 2016

Trade Exhibition Zwaagdijk 2016

  • 公開日: 2016年2月18日木曜日

Click here to view an impression of our stand at the ‘Vaktentoonstelling Zwaagdijk 2016’ (English: Trade Exhibition Zwaagdijk 2016). This annual exhibition began today, and combines a large bulb flower show with a trade fair for companies in the flower bulb sector. Today and tomorrow, the exhibi...


New picture books available

New picture books available

New picture books available

  • 公開日: 2016年2月12日金曜日

We are pleased to inform you that we have introduced two new picture books: the ‘Tulip Book’ and the ‘Spring Flowering Book’. The Tulip Book is filled with pictures of and practical information about many different tulip varieties that are suitable for forcing. The Spring...


Tulip Red Label for Valentine's Day

Tulip Red Label for Valentine's Day

Tulip Red Label for Valentine's Day

  • 公開日: 2016年2月11日木曜日

If you click on the following link, you can read an article about the tulip variety Red Label, and watch two videos about this variety. Red Label is a beautiful red tulip variety that we export exclusively. You can find more information about Red Label on our website. Please do not hesitate to conta...


Our company in a nutshell

Our company in a nutshell

Our company in a nutshell

  • 公開日: 2016年2月8日月曜日

You can watch a short video here to get an impression of the activities within our company. These beautiful images are captured with the use of a drone. Click here to view all of our videos on YouTube. ...


Japanese 'Flower Bulb of the Year'

Japanese 'Flower Bulb of the Year'

Japanese 'Flower Bulb of the Year'

  • 公開日: 2015年12月23日水曜日

The beautiful pink-yellow tulip Sanne has been voted Japanese 'Flower Bulb of the Year 2016’. The tulip originated from a cross between the lily-flowered tulip Ballerina and the Triumph tulip Peer Gynt. Sanne’s pink petals turn to pastel colours with a light yellow edge when the flow...


Start of processing at CNB

Start of processing at CNB

Start of processing at CNB

  • 公開日: 2015年7月17日金曜日

As of July 2015, Jan de Wit en Zonen B.V. has started activities in the premises of CNB Refrigeration and Preparation Company. The storage and processing of tulip bulbs takes place here. This also took place here on a small scale in 2014, but we have now decided to process all of our tulip bulbs in ...


New entrance and exit

New entrance and exit

New entrance and exit

  • 公開日: 2015年6月16日火曜日

In the spring of 2015, we built our own connection road that connects the Westeinde in Enkhuizen to the Veilingweg in Bovenkarspel, via CNB Refrigeration and Cooling Company. This road ensures that we do not cause nuisance on the Westeinde anymore, where our company is located. In order to realise t...


New case put into use

New case put into use

New case put into use

  • 公開日: 2015年4月1日水曜日

As of Summer 2014, Jan de Wit en Zonen B.V. has put a new flower bulb case into use. This case was developed together with Van der Windt Packaging Solutions and Services (Honselersdijk). The new case is almost 300 grams lighter than the previous case, which results in reduced environmental pollution...
